Now with this technology information, you can start your own Solar inverter production plant with reasonable expenditure. All you have to do is purchasing good technology from the right person.

What are Lacking in Current Solar Inverters?

Current Solar inverters will just work as normal inverters. Only the difference between solar inverter and normal inverters is “Normal inverters run with power backup and Solar inverters run with Solar power”. Few solar inverters with better technology will charge the battery with power as well as solar panels. However, there are more possibilities where battery can be over charged in such cases. Also these inverters are not smart enough to understand that the battery is full and it should stop charging the battery. These kind of inverters will only work when there is no power. Because of this, you cannot utilize the solar power properly to cut down your power bills.

We have a sophisticated technology which will solve all your problems and save your power bills by 75% every month. Let us explain how our technology works. It will automatically understand when the battery is full and then it will stop taking the power from your meter and it will start supplying the power to your home appliances from the Solar inverter battery till the battery power comes to 50%. So with this powerful technology, all your appliances will run with solar power when the power is available too. This will reduce 75% of your monthly power bills and you can save a lot of money. Also Solar inverters will not work as UPS. This is also one of the lacking factor in the current scenario. Our latest solar inverter technology will work as UPS as well as inverter. With this latest technology, you will not see any power drop in your home or office appliances. As you all know, Customers will look for more sophisticated products which will make your life better with maximum benefits and minimum budget.

Advantages of Our Solar Inverter Technology:

Specifications of Our Solar Inverter Technology:

Our Solar Inverter Technology Transfer Includes –

Circuit Diagrams PCB File of Inverter and Zero Drop Solar Charge Controller Wiring Layout and Connection Diagrams Transformer Data Inverter and Solar Charger Programming Assembly File Hex File Inverter and Solar Charge Controller Components List Manual

Now you can be a Technology Independent manufacturer with our Solar Inverter Technology Transfer. This inverter is best suited for manufacturing of domestic applications as it is simple and easy. It consists of only few components which are easily available, have only 3 SMD components which are single sided PCB. There are no twists which may lead to errors such as DC-CT or EE-16 transformers. This board will be completed by mounting of heatsink along with MOSFET and soldering of few components. It contains LCD which displays all the parameters of the system and gives an indication about any error during the functioning of inverter. A 16 character single line or double line scrolling type LCD will show the status of the inverter. It is very simple to set the values in menu driven set-up mode and is very easy to handle also. You need not invest more on the equipments, the basic test jigs, soldering irons, digital multi-meters, RPS, Glue guns and etc. which are less than Rs. 50,000/-

How to Build a Solar Inverter Production Plant at Low Cost with Our Technology?

For Production of 500 Solar Inverters the cost estimation is as follows: Total Cost – Rs. 3100/-. Note:

Above estimation is for 12V / 850VA with 30 Amps solar Charge Controller. Production Cost may reduce up 500/- If you go for Aluminium Transformer.

Important Precautions to be Taken to Maintain this Solar Inverter:

Mains switch should be kept in ON position Mains input should always be connected, to keep the battery in charging condition. Water or any other liquids should never enter into UPS This system installation place should be well ventilated and it should be easily accessible for servicing.

How to Contact Us:

Are you looking for solar Inverter Technology Transfer? Then you came to the right place. We have a sophisticated technology with us. If you are really interested to set up a Manufacturing unit, Send a mail to – Comment * Name * Email * Website


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