
A Mobile Jammer Circuit or a Cell Phone Jammer Circuit is an instrument or device that can prevent the reception of signals by Mobile Phones. Basically, a Mobile Jammer Circuit is an RF Transmitter, which broadcasts Radio Signals in the same (or similar) frequency range of the GSM Communication. WARNING: Blocking or Jamming Radio Signals is illegal in most countries. Check your local laws before using such devices. In this project, I have designed two Mobile Jammer Circuits, where the first one is using a 555 Timer IC and the other one is built using active and passive components.  

Circuit 1: Mobile Jammer Circuit using 555

Components Required

555 Timer IC Resistors – 220Ω x 2, 5.6KΩ, 6.8KΩ, 10KΩ, 82KΩ Capacitors – 2pF, 3.3pF, 4.7pF, 47pF, 0.1µF, 4.7µF, 47µF 30pF Trimmer Capacitor LED Coils 3 Turn 24 AWG, 4 Turn 24 AWG Antenna 15 Turn 24 AWG BF495 Transistor ON / OFF Switch 9V Battery


After building this circuit on a perf board and supplying power to it, I have placed a mobile phone near the circuit (I am yet to turn on the switch). Before turning on the power, my mobile phone was able to capture majority of the signals as it is displaying full bars. Once I turned on the circuit, the signal bars on the phone started to reduce and finally it stopped at a single bar. So, in conclusion, I can say that this circuit blocks the signals but cannot completely jam them.


Circuit 2: Simple Mobile Jammer Circuit Diagram

Cell Phone Jammer Circuit Explanation

If you understand the above circuit, this circuit analysis is simple and easy. For any jammer circuit, remember that there are three main important circuits. When they are combined together, the output of that circuit will work as a jammer. The three circuits are

RF amplifier. Voltage controlled oscillator. Tuning circuit.

So the transistor Q1, capacitors C4 & C5 and resistor R1 constitute the RF amplifier circuit. This will amplify the signal generated by the tuned circuit. The amplification signal is given to the antenna through C6 capacitor. Capacitor C6 will remove the DC and allow only the AC signal which is transmitted in the air. When the transistor Q1 is turned ON, the tuned circuit at the collector will get turned ON. The tuned circuit consists of capacitor C1 and inductor L1. This tuned circuit will act as an oscillator with zero resistance. This oscillator or tuned circuit will produce the very high frequency with minimum damping. The both inductor and capacitor of tuned circuit will oscillate at its resonating frequency. The tuned circuit operation is very simple and easy to understand. When the circuit gets ON, the voltage is stored by the capacitor according to its capacity. The main function of capacitor is to store electric energy. Once the capacitor is completely charged, it will allow the charge to flow through inductor. We know that inductor is used to store magnetic energy. When the current is flowing across the inductor, it will store the magnetic energy by this voltage across the capacitor and will get decreased, at some point complete magnetic energy is stored by inductor and the charge or voltage across the capacitor will be zero. The magnetic charge through the inductor will decreased and the current will charge the capacitor in opposite or reverse polarity manner. Again after some period of time, capacitor will get completely charged and magnetic energy across the inductor will be completely zero. Again the capacitor will give charge to the inductor and becomes zero. After some time, inductor will give charge to capacitor and become zero and they will oscillate and generate the frequency. This circle run upto the internal resistance is generated and oscillations will get stop. RF amplifier feed is given through the capacitor C5 to the collector terminal before C6 for gain or like a boost signal to the tuned circuit signal. The capacitors C2 and C3 are used for generating the noise for the frequency generated by the tuned circuit. Capacitors C2 and C3 will generate the electronic pulses in some random fashion (technically called noise). The feedback back or boost given by the RF amplifier, frequency generated by the tuned circuit, the noise signal generated by the capacitors C2 and C3 will be combined, amplified and transmitted to the air. Cell phone works at the frequency of 450 MHz frequency. To block this 450MHz frequency, we also need to generate 450Mhz frequency with some noise which will act as simple blocking signal, because cell phone receiver will not be able to understand to which signal it has been received. By this, we can able to block the cell phone signal from reaching the cell phones. So here in the above circuit, we generated the 450 MHz frequency to block the actual cell phone signal. That’s what the above circuit will act as a jammer for blocking the actual signal. Note:

This circuit will work in the range of 100 meters i.e. it can block the signals of cell phones with in 100 meters radius. Usage of this type of circuits is banned in most of the countries. Usage of this circuit is illegal and if you caught by using this circuit, you can be imprisoned and also should pay large amount in the form of fine. This circuit can be used in TV transmission and also for remote controlled toys or play things. If the circuit is not working, just increase the resistor and capacitors values in the circuit. Increase the frequency of tuned circuit by using this formula F= 1/ (2pisqrt (L*C)). Increase the inductor capacitor circuit components value for increasing the frequency.

Know How To Make an Adjustable Timer  this 😉 It’s not working.? I need someone help!! And we would like to reduce the distance area of the circuit from 100m to around 6-9m.. How to do that? Plz reply asap to my mail id I am going to use SMD Since no package details/footprint is given, i cannot execute this circuit What is the job of antenna, the signal is generated by the tuning circuit. I mean how it affects the purpose of the circuit. Thanks Yet running F= 1/ (2pisqrt (L*C)) in this schematic (tuning circuit) yields a frequency of 277053.19427199627 Hz (0.27705319427199626 MHz)…..not 450Mhz, nor GSM1900 with frequency from 1930 MHz – 1990 MHz. To get close to 450 MHz you need a combo like 21pf & 6nH, or 1pf & 125nH) To get close to the 1930-1990 range you need 3pf & 2nH or 13pf & .5nH or 36pf & .2nH, etc.). Comment * Name * Email * Website


Simple Mobile Jammer Circuit  How Cell Phone Jammer Works  - 13Simple Mobile Jammer Circuit  How Cell Phone Jammer Works  - 40Simple Mobile Jammer Circuit  How Cell Phone Jammer Works  - 27Simple Mobile Jammer Circuit  How Cell Phone Jammer Works  - 2Simple Mobile Jammer Circuit  How Cell Phone Jammer Works  - 21Simple Mobile Jammer Circuit  How Cell Phone Jammer Works  - 32Simple Mobile Jammer Circuit  How Cell Phone Jammer Works  - 25Simple Mobile Jammer Circuit  How Cell Phone Jammer Works  - 60Simple Mobile Jammer Circuit  How Cell Phone Jammer Works  - 48