You can use a free non-Gmail email address or work or a business email ID to create a Google account and use Google Products without the customary Gmail ID. You can use a custom work/business email or a free Email service provider like *, *, *, etc. In this guide, I will show you how to create a Google Account using ProtonMail and access Google Drive with a non-Gmail account.

Steps to Use Google Drive without Gmail Account

That’s it, with this simple guide you can create a non-Gmail Google account and access Google drive for free using a different email address by creating a G-Account.

How to Use Google Drive without Gmail Account  - 54How to Use Google Drive without Gmail Account  - 71How to Use Google Drive without Gmail Account  - 40How to Use Google Drive without Gmail Account  - 38How to Use Google Drive without Gmail Account  - 65How to Use Google Drive without Gmail Account  - 99How to Use Google Drive without Gmail Account  - 39