Thick layers of snow cause unnecessary dead load on the panel structures. This layer may cause a mini avalanche-type situation while melting. To avoid these problems, snow panel guards were developed. The guards work as a barrier to the continuous snow layer by breaking it. Hence when the snow melts, small chunks of ice layers fall off the roof instead of a mini avalanche. Today, we will discuss the necessity and details related to these snow panel guards. We will also discuss various options to choose from.

Why Do Solar Panels Need A Snow Guard?

The need for a snow guard increases if you are living in a heavy snowfall area. Many factors affect the need for a snow guard. A thin layer of snow tends to melt easily due to the design of the panels. However, a thick layer of snow sticks to the panel due to the overall weight and freezing temperature. Over time, the layers of the snow turn into a single snow slab. During melting, the whole slab collapses from the roof in a single stroke. This phenomenon is dangerous for the panels and the people around them. The solar panels have to bear heavy loads of snow. The sudden sliding of the thick snow layer causes friction on the panel’s surface damaging it. The sliding snow also damages the rainwater gutters. Anything under the roof will be in immediate danger due to the weight of the snow slab. To address this problem a snow guard is fitted along with the solar panels.

Working Principle of A Solar Panel Snow Guard

So how does a solar panel snow guard work? The snow guard has various principles to work with. One principle is to offer resistance to the free movement of the snow layers. When the melting starts, the snow layers start to move towards the slope. The snow guard traps the moving snow thereby slowing down its movement. It results in uniformly distributed snow over the roof. This process restricts the sudden shifting of the snow slab towards the slope.

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Another working principle of a snow guard is to break the big chunks of snow into smaller chunks. The snow guards with an icebreaker-inspired design are installed over the solar panels. When snow is accumulated over the panels, it slides through the sharp snow guard. As a result, the snow breaks free from the snow layer. These small chunks are bound to melt faster than the High chunks. Hence it facilitates faster disposal of the snow layer.

Various Types of Snow Guard For The Solar Panels

As discussed earlier, snow accumulation hinders the electricity generation process. The solar panels are designed in a way to melt the snow quickly and clear it off the solar panel. Hence different types of snow guards are used to deal with the snow sliding problem. These types are discussed below along with their working principles.

1. Snow Rail

The snow rail is one of the most used snow guard types for solar panels. It is a long rod or bracket that runs along the length of the solar panel. It acts like a dam to the snow layers and restricts its sudden movement. The rail can be used in various configurations. Suitable for both vertical as well as horizontal orientation, snow rails do not hinder the electricity generation process. They are usually used under solar panels where the accumulation of snow is higher.

2. Snow Pad

Snow pads are small in size compared to the rails. They are similar to small brackets and can be installed between solar panels or above them. They too act as a barrier to the snow movement and increase the melting process. The advantage of the snow pads is the ease of installation. They do not occupy a larger area and can be placed strategically to reduce the chances of mini snow avalanches on the roof.

Best Available Snow Guards

To reduce hazards related to snow accumulation, the snow guards have been getting a lot of attention in recent years. The market for the best alternatives is already flooded with many viable options. These options offer good performance over the others and easily fit in the wide consumer range. We have chosen such options for you to consider for your solar panels. They are explained below along with their specifications.

1. Alpine SnowGuards

Alpine SnowGuards is a snow management and snow equipment manufacturing brand. It has various patents on innovative products that make snow management easy. The Alpine Solar Snow Pads are efficient snow guards. The pad is based on the principle of cutting large snow layers into small manageable pieces. This breaking or cutting process happens as the heavy snow slides down the pad’s sharp edges. Alpine offers customization to the snow guards. Hence this snow pad can either be placed individually or in a group. The snow pads can also be combined with the snow rails to offer more efficient handling of the snow.

2. Rocky Mountain Snow Guards

Rocky Mountain Snow Guards Inc offers a variety of snow management products. It offers snow retention systems and various snow guard options. The Rocky Mountain 3-pipe Snow Guard is styled like a fence. It has 3 or multiple pipe racking systems incorporated into s single design. This design helps in keeping the snow flow restricted. It helps in directing the snow below the solar panel and keeps the electricity generation process running. The RMSG Inc also has snow pads on its products list. The snow pads are efficiently used in the portrait and landscape settings of solar panels. The Yeti series is popular in snow guard options. This series has a unique design that shovels the heavy snow layers, breaking them with ease. It also has a high load-bearing capacity to handle heavy snowfall scenarios.

Are Solar Panel Snow Guards Necessary For you?

Well, the answer lies directly in the application you need these guards for. The amount of snowfall in a region forms the major factor in choosing a snow guard. Heavy snowfall automatically calls for snow management solutions. This helps avoid damage to the rooftops, and solar panels and restrict any accidents. On the other hand, a region where snowfall is moderate or less hardly needs snow guards. The solar panels are designed to assist in the melting of snow. Hence there is no need to invest in a snow guard where it does not find any use.

Important Accessories For Solar Panels Apart From Snow Guards

Apart from the snow guards, some accessories are also important to keep the solar panels safe from damage. These accessories are often ignored yet their absence might hinder the working of the solar panels. One such accessory is the critter guard. The solar panels have ample space beneath them. This space may become home to insects, rodents, squirrels, or even cats. This space contains the wiring system, control module, and other important circuits of the oak panel. To keep them away from any interference, the critter guard is an ideal option. A simple critter guard has wire mesh that surrounds the space under the solar panels. Various designs have been adopted to restrict insects or small-sized animals. Hence they come in different sizes.


By using the snow guards you can keep the solar panels away from snow-related damage. The snow guard turns into a necessity in case of heavy snowfall conditions. Our guide covers all the necessary details related to these snow guards. By keeping this discussion in mind you can decide whether to buy a snow guard or not. If your application needs one, you have a variety of options available at your fingertips. Comment * Name * Email * Website


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