Various audio devices like speakers, woofers, etc. have different types of equalizer settings. These settings affect the production of accurate music frequencies. An equalizer helps in customizing the frequency output of the audio devices according to a user’s need. There are various aspects of an equalizer setting that needs to be understood. Through this article, we will discuss every detail about equalizers and their settings.

What Are Equalizers?

An equalizer is a simple tool that allows total control over the sound frequencies. Whenever music is played via speaker or other devices, the output is in the form of soundwave and frequency. The normal acceptance range for frequency is 20 Hz to 20 kHz, for humans. Anything about or below these frequencies tends to be inaudible. An equalizer helps in modifying these frequencies into an acceptable range. Since various levels of frequencies tend to sound different, the equalizer helps in maintaining the output quality. The older versions of equalizers were hardware devices with provisions for manual settings. Nowadays, software equalizers are used popularly which allows a better tuning of the sound.

Working Of An Equalizer

An equalizer works on a simple principle: suppressing or increasing frequency signals to modify the overall sound output. The signals are sent through a series of filters that only allows a set level of a frequency band to pass. This helps in controlling the treble, bass, and middle ranges of the sound. The equalizer then helps in modifying the color of the audio signals. This helps in boosting certain frequencies which in return boosts the clarity of the sound. This phenomenon can be experienced while setting the bass thump or treble clarity of a song. All these adjustments are dependent on the user since equalizer settings have a large amount of customization.

Frequency Range

As an integral part of equalizer settings, it is important to know about the audio frequency and its range. The frequency range or band refers to the number of frequencies present in a certain audio spectrum. We can get an idea about how a certain sound will be produced from the audio device. As we already know about the frequency range for humans (20Hz to 20kHz), the equalizer usually works between this range. The frequency range is responsible for creating a certain type of note from the music. The lower frequency range is a bass-rich territory and helps in getting that extra thump signature. The higher frequency range tends to offer a treble-rich signature. The table below will help you understand the relationship between frequency range and the signature it produces:

Equalizer Setting For Different Music Genres

Every music genre has a different type of audio frequency signature. The equalizer settings are customizable for different types of audio genres. When a song or music track is recorded, the equalizer setting is kept at the neutral position. This helps in listening to the original music level when it was recorded. The necessary tweaks are done from the neutral position. The frequency range for various types of music genres and platforms is explained below.

1. Acoustic music

Acoustic music generally uses a soft sound signature. Various factors like bass or sound alterations are absent. Hence the equalizer setting is kept in the mid-range, totally coding the lower range (bass-rich). This setting is suitable for acoustic instruments like guitars.

2. Electronic music

Electronic music has a bass-rich sound signature. The bass or vocals are in the focus most of the time. Hence, the equalizer can be set for the lower range of the upper range.

3. Latin music

Latin music is a balanced mixture of bass and treble signature. The equalizer uses a combination of the lower and higher frequency ranges for Latin music. The vocals most likely remain unaffected in this setting.

4. Classical music

Instruments are a major part of classical music. To balance them with the higher-range vocals, a combination of lower mid-range and high-range is set in the equalizer.

5. Pop music

For pop music, the equalizer is set in the mid-range zone. This setting helps in increasing the sound in low-mid and higher-mid ranges.

6. Rock music

Rock music is a combination of low-range bass and high-range instruments. The setting helps in increasing the mid-range frequency when played.

7. Bass

As discussed earlier, the bass signature is usually found in the low-frequency range region. For a punchier bass, the equalizer is set in the sub-bass and bass range.

8. Vocals recording

For vocals with depth, the equalizer is set in the lower mid-range. To further increase the voice clarity, the settings can be increased to the mid-range.

9. Car audio

A car usually uses a woofer and speaker arrangement. An equalizer has a lot of customizable presets for cars. Normally, the equalizer is set at a combination of low-range and upper-midrange for the car audio.

10. Gaming setup

The gaming setup has to be accurate enough to recreate every change in audio. This enhances the overall gaming experience. The equalizer is usually set in the mid-range for a detailed audio signature.

11. Podcast

Podcasts are generally governed by the vocals with little to no use of music. To adapt to the changing frequencies of the human voice, the setting is kept in the sub-bass and the bass range.

12. Television audio

A television is a unique application where you can get all types of frequencies, depending on what you are watching. The equalizer is thereby kept in between the bass range and the upper-midrange.

13. Music streaming apps

Apps like Spotify provides a platform for music, podcasts, and audiobooks. Hence their inbuilt equalizer offers various presets. The general setting is kept in the mid-range and can be changed as per the application.

Important Tips For Using An Audio Equalizer

Using an audio equalizer is always beneficial for your music. It helps in enriching the overall music experience. To avoid this experience from ruining, we are providing some useful tips regarding the use of an audio equalizer.

Proceed to adjust the equalizer settings only after doing proper checking. This step involves a thorough inspection of the sound. This helps in identifying the lacking frequency to help you adjust the settings. Whenever the music is not playing in a good way, check for the responsible frequency range. By eliminating the problem causing frequency regions. While setting the equalizer, switching to the mono audio output mode is ideal. The stereo mode creates confusion in the frequency-mixing process. Mono output is more accurate. By using proper sets of filters, unwanted noises are eliminated. This helps in separating different types of frequencies. You can then cut down the problematic frequency with the help of settings. Various equalizer software is provided with presets. These presets are finely tuned according to specific applications. The presets also come in handy when music is being played over different platforms. For the beginner level, always try to change the equalizer setting in small steps. This helps in understanding the overall equalizer settings.


An equalizer is a boon for the music industry. It helps in enhancing the audio quality of any device. By using proper equalizer settings, the intended sound signature can be produced. The current generation of equalizers is converted into software that has default presets. With proper customization of the equalizer settings, a balance between various frequencies is achieved. The article helps in understanding all the necessary details related to these equalizer settings. All this information will assist you in selecting the best settings for the equalizer. Comment * Name * Email * Website


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